Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rheatheylia's Cable Hat better known as Copper Cables

So, I've finished another item, yay me. It is Rheatheylia's now infamous crochet cables hat. I made mine from a coppery (looks straight up orange), 100% Peruvian wool, once again from the LYS. I took me about a week to finish and this is with random on and off working mostly on the bus. On Sunday, some random ass dude came up and asked if I was making a kufi.... I just gave him the stink eye and kept it moving. Now without further ado, Copper Cables


The Original Wombman said...

I *love* the color of that hat (love the hat too--the pattern is the bomb). I made the same one in black yarn. It looks so different in a vibrant color . . . I may have to make it again. Lovely work. :)

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